Senior Administrator

For almost thirty years, I have held administrative and senor academic leadership roles at a range of U.S universities, including community colleges, Ivy Leagues, liberal arts private, Big State Publics, public state systems and their regional campuses in various leadership roles – Director, Associate Dean, interim Dean, endowed Chair.
As recent McCormack School interim Dean, I was responsible for the strategic, programmatic, and financial operations of the College. I provided leadership and oversight for all academic and student services, personnel and programs within the college while coordinating the dean’s office staff, associate & assistant dean, center/institute directors and department chairs where, as a team, we are responsible for achieving goals to transform the college. As an academic administrator (academic director, head of unit, associate dean, and as interim Dean) over the years, I remain excited at being able to positively contribute to academic institution building, faculty research development and scholarship productivity, teaching excellence, and student success.
These experiences have afforded me a career to date that has provided an opportunity for me to achieve academic innovation and transformation in higher education while advancing and impacting changes that matter through community engagement and outreach in local, national, regional, and global arenas.
Academic Administrator Roles
- Interim Dean, John W McCormack School of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Associate Dean, John W McCormack School of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts-Boston
- Director, African American and African Studies, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Deputy Director, Institute of African Studies, Columbia University, New York City
- Director, Career Training Center, Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ